Sunday, September 30, 2007

Competition Tips

10 Do’s for successful sparring ring management

Be in proper shape, so you are not concerned about losing your wind. If you do start to get tired, then move around your opponent without attacking until your wind is back.
Have a proper stance: 50/50 or weight slightly forward. A rear weighted stance implies defensive and defeated posture. Be on the balls of your feet and be prepared to move in any direction.
Be the first to score. If you are not first, then do whatever is necessary to get on top. Once you are ahead, then you can work on your counterattack game.
Defeat a charging opponent with circular movement, defeat a circular moving opponent by cutting off the ring.
Use body and movement faking to test how your opponent reacts. When you attack, do it directly and as fast as possible. Be random in your movements so you will not be timed.
Use faking and footwork to score first from a far range. Close the distance with techniques instead of charging in.
Always finish with the last technique (kick out) in any close quarters fighting, only move away upon an effective score, or break by the referee.
Have a positive and confident attitude. Project this attitude through your body language and eyes.
Kiap when you score, as this can effect the judges opinion. If you get scored upon do not react, as this will ensure judges scoring against you.
Use simple techniques first, then move on to more complex techniques as the fight progresses. For example, strike to the body first with fast quick kicks, later go to the head with jumping or spinning techniques.

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